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Improve Eye & Stomach Health with Nutrilite

Supplement Your Sight

Eye health is more than just picking out the right kind of lenses for your glasses or setting your screen brightness to a lower setting. Carrots aren’t enough to keep your eagle eyes sharp. These are some of the important vitamins and minerals to add to your diet for optimum eye health!

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  • Lutein and zeaxanthin

Found in many fruits and vegetables, lutein and zeaxanthin are known as ‘the eye vitamins.’ They are known as carotenoids and potent antioxidants important for eye health. As antioxidants, they play an important role in protecting your body against free radicals. Free radicals damage your cells and cause advanced signs of ageing.

As your eyes are continuously exposed to oxygen and light, they become an ideal environment for free radicals. Lutein and zeaxanthin help clear away free radicals to protect and even improve eye health.

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They are the only dietary carotenoids that accumulate in the retina, particularly the macula region. The macula is vital for vision. Think of lutein and zeaxanthin as providing natural sunblock protection. Research has found that lutein and zeaxanthin supplements can help with eye conditions like:

  • Harmful blue light (from long working hours and all that Netflix bingeing sessions!)
  • Dry eyes
  • Eye fatigue primarily caused by digital eyestrain
  • Cataract
  • Eye detachment
  • Diabetic retinopathy

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Keep your eyes peeled for the up and coming Nutrilite Botanical Beverage Berries with Lutein! Each serving of Nutrilite Botanical Beverage Berries with Lutein contains:

  • 75mg of wolfberry, a great source of zeaxanthin
  • 75mg of chrysanthemum
  • 100mg of blackcurrant extract, which contains anthocyanins to reduce oxidative stress on your eyes
  • Marigold flower extract, a powerhouse of lutein and zeaxanthin that neutralises harmful blue light and free radical damage
  • 12mg of lutein ester is bioequivalent to 6mg of pure lutein
  • 5:1 golden ratio of lutein: zeaxanthin (as recommended by the US National Eye Institute)

Can You Stomach This?

You've heard about collagen peptides, but have you heard of wheat peptide?

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Wheat peptide is a great supplement for stomach health and support as it protects the stomach's inner lining and minimises the risk of inflammation and discomfort. It helps reduce gastric flareup and boosts digestion and overall stomach health.

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Considering that Malaysians are often food lovers, avoid stomach discomfort after eating out, tucking into spicy meals or when experiencing irregular mealtimes.

Settle your tummy with the Nutrilite Botanical Beverage Apple, Jujube and Wheat Peptide. Formulated to support digestion and protect your stomach's inner lining, this new beverage combines microencapsulation technology and natural ingredients to boost your stomach health.

  • 375mg of jujube extract and 7.5mg ginger extract relieves stomach discomfort
  • 250mg wheat peptide minimises risk of stomach lining inflammation
  • 75mg kelp extract supports gut health for improved digestion

Note: Microencapsulation is a process that encapsulates the active compound of an ingredient to preserve its ideal state and ensures that its nutrients are kept intact during its journey through the gastrointestinal tract.

Nutrilite’s New Product Range – Modern Herbal Nutrition

The soon-to-be launched Nutrilite supplements in this article are part of a new product range called Modern Herbal Nutrition. The supplements are made from herbal ingredients and perfected by modern science. As such, the herbal wisdom + modern science incorporated into these products are meant to help you and your loved ones live better and healthier lives.

While you wait for these new supplements, check out all the other Nutrilite supplements and vitamins available for purchase today.
